Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Big Picture

For those of you that don't know me, I live in the beautiful Pacific North West. I could shoot photography for the rest of my life here and probably not see all this part of the country has to offer. Here there's a Kodak moment around every corner.

Right now I'm shooting basically two types of photography, Landscape and macro photography. Landscape photography is just what it sounds like. You take your camera out to the most beautiful location you can find, wait for the right light and start snapping. Usually the best time to shoot landscape photography is around sunrise and sunset. Yes, that means trudging yourself out of bed at an ungodly early hour to make it to your location before first light. I absolutely love to shoot early morning. You start with nothing but the black of night and slowly as first light creeps over the eastern horizon, the beautiful scenery starts to slowly come into light. Once first light comes on it's a race to get as many quality shots as possible in the short amount of time that the light is actually good. Once the sun reaches a certain point on the horizon, the quality of light quickly becomes too harsh and shooting is over. At that point you stop and breath and hope you got one or two great shots. It much like fishing, you cast your line a hundred times and hope you catch a few worth keeping.

Here are a couple of my favorites:

Taken from Hurricane Ridge overlooking the Olympic Mountains.
Olympic National Park, WA

Dungeness Spit Recreation Area overlooking
the Straight of Juan De Fuca and the Olympic Mountains
Dungeness, WA

Nisqually Reach Wildlife Sanctuary
Nisqually WA

Cape Disappointment at Sunset
Long Beach, WA

I pulled over to the side of the road and about killed myself crossing a very large ditch to get this shot in. The light and the mist were just spectacular at that point. Sometimes shots like this scream for you to pull over.

Last Light caught just before Sunset on a beach here in Steilaccom
Steilacoom, WA

An early morning walker on Cannon Beach
Cannon Beach, OR

The Wish
Every now and then all of the elements come together and you're in the right place at the right time.
Steilacoom, WA

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