Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Morning Worth A Million Words

The light this morning was astonishing. I've spent a lot of mornings out in the cold wishing and waiting for the kind of light that met me this morning. All the elements... temperature, humidity, dew point, time of day, time of year, all came together producing conditions as rare as they were beautiful. And it didn't last, maybe Ten minutes at most, and then it was gone again, leaving as quick as it came.

This morning found me wishing I could freeze time. What better way to capture still photographs than in a still universe. How wonderful that would be. I will be out again tomorrow, waiting... hoping that lightning will strike twice, even though I know it wont. One of the harsher realities of photography is the fact that no matter how hard you try, you cannot duplicate a photograph. The light will never be the same. It might, if the stars align, be as good, but it will never be the same.

Great light is fleeting, as it should be I guess.