My wife and I recently took a little trip with the kids over to the shore. As usual, I'm always trying to balance family trips with how much shoot time I can get in before my wife yells at me and makes me stay at the cabin. We decided on a cabin over near the Cape Disappointment State Park and anytime I'm over that way I'm gunnin' for the two lighthouses that reside in that park.
The light on this trip wasn't the most ideal, but that didn't stop me from getting some great shots. I love this area because it's located right at the mouth of the Columbia River, on the Oregon border. After all the flooding we've had this past few years the driftwood has really built up. It amazing how these gigantic trees get uprooted a hundred miles or more inland and find their way to the mouth of the river where the ocean tides turn them right around and deposit them on all of the area beaches. Its really quite a sight.
It certainly makes for great photography.
Cape Disappointment State Park, WA
Cape Disappointment State park, WA

disappointed after not being able to find the mouth of the Columbia.
Long Beach, WA